Artist Collaboration With Aurélia Durand 🎨
We were so excited to team up with Aurélia on a series of Sea Sign pieces that reflect her vivid celebration of diversity. Aurélia dedicates her artistic voice in making representation matter, representing Afro-descendants as joyful, proud, and empowered — a united community whose destinies are intertwined. We hope that her art inspires you to see a future with clean seas, to see a future inclusive of all.
If Aurélia’s work inspires you, we hope you’ll check out her work - she recently illustrated the book This Book is Anti-Racist printed for the US, Canada, and the UK!
As natural wallflowers, Virgos are most comfortable in the background while others stand in the limelight. We love and respect that about you, but we can’t let it slide this month… Virgo, it’s your time to shine! From all of us at Lonely Whale: HAVE A WHALE OF A BIRTHDAY! 🎂🐳 In a world where few things are certain, there is one thing we know for sure: the earth is better off because of YOU.
The sun’s transition out of Leo’s house into Virgo is a time for us all to come back down to earth, to reflect upon and reassess the areas of our lives we’ve been neglecting. You, Virgo, remind us that routine can be a powerful vehicle for self-care AND sustainability.
In case you missed it, plastic never disappears. Instead, it breaks down into smaller pieces known as “microplastics” (particles smaller than 5 mm), which have been found in the deepest parts of the ocean and in the Arctic and Antarctic poles. But we really don’t want to bum you out for your birthday, so let’s focus on the good news: there are a LOT of ways to stay organized and plastic free at the same time. (YAY!) Check out a few of our favorite alternatives, maybe someone will surprise you with a gift fit for clean seas…!
Plastic-Free Meal Prep: Stasher Bags
Phone Home… Without Plastic: Compostable PelaCase
Scientists estimated in a recent report that nearly 99% of plastic that should be in the environment is nowhere to be found. Unfortunately, it’s not actually missing — it’s just so small that it’s hard to track. Macro plastic waste that ends up in the ocean —- think bags, bottles, or packaging — photodegrade as they float on the sea’s surface under the sun, slowly breaking down into microplastics that are moved around the world by ocean currents.
But try not to worry: the sun is spending most of its time in Virgo this month and Jupiter is hanging out in Capricorn until December. That means there is a TON of earth energy going around right now to help us all feel a little bit more grounded and reinvigorated to beat plastic pollution. Together, Virgo and Capricorn encourage us to take stock of the waste in our lives: whether that’s time wasted on toxic people or toxic (plastic) waste.
We know firsthand how hard it can be to find reliable plastic-free products, but don’t feel pressured to do it all at once. Start small, with things you know you can “win” at home —- even during a pandemic. Whether that’s plastic-free meal prep (we can’t wait until bulk shopping returns) or skipping single-use self-care items, make a commitment to start reducing plastics one by one. Remember: showing up for yourself is showing up for the ocean.
Reveal your Sea Sign 🌊 ✨
Celebrate your power to influence others to put down plastic, Leo. Embrace your eccentricity for the environment, Aquarius. Explore how the position of the stars can make you a better ocean advocate.
Like you Scorpio, the ocean is full of mysteries. Scientists estimated in a recent report that nearly 99% of plastic that should be in the environment is nowhere to be found. Unfortunately, it’s not actually missing — it’s just so small that it’s hard to track. Swept up in everything that’s been going on with 2020, we suspect that you too might have trouble keeping track these days —- lost in the sea of news and family updates. It’s okay. We’re here to remind you to turn the empathy and kindness you have for others back on yourself.
You don’t need to show up perfectly every time. Just keep showing up. Yes that means allowing yourself to turn your camera off on the 25th Zoom call of the day. As for the laundry? The dishes in your sink? Your skincare routine? The sun in Virgo gives us new energy to tackle those everyday things in our lives that seem small at first, but which actually have a HUGE impact on our sense of self worth —- and the planet. So opt for plastic-free cleaning products or reach for reusable skincare alternatives.
Legends are made of your intensity and passion to beat plastic pollution. We can’t wait to see what Virgo’s energy brings to you, Scorpio.
A recent study out of the UK found that microplastics in the Atlantic Ocean alone could weigh up to 21 million tons. Sagittarius, your optimism in the face of the reality of plastic pollution is needed now more than ever.
But we know that this task can be a heavy responsibility to bear. When Prometheus stole fire from the gods and offered it to mortals, he was punished by Zeus. Sagittarius struggles with a similar fate: to whom do you turn when you are feeling low, but everyone’s so used to your face being the brightest in the room? Considering everything that’s happened in 2020, you might have felt a lot of pressure this year to cheer up your friends and family, your colleagues, possibly even your own therapist. So, Sagittarius, remember to take some time for you this month.
The sun in Virgo and Jupiter in Capricorn prompt us to reassess and reduce the waste in our lives —- from plastics to time and our energy resources. This month, we want to encourage you to practice self-care. As a highly social sign, we know you might feel antsy Sagittarius. Join the conversation with us around our new podcast, 52 Hertz. There’s a community waiting to share ways to take action for a brighter future — together.
If the world was made up entirely of Capricorns determined to put an end to the plastic crisis, we’re confident that you would have had a solution yesterday. And there wouldn’t be five trillion pieces of plastic in our ocean — enough to circle the earth over 400 times.
Capricorn, you have been a welcome source of wisdom and stability for friends and family this past year. Wearing responsibility like a second skin, others sometimes take it for granted that you are always there for them when they need you. And they’re right of course, your dependability is legendary. So is your ability to get things done.
This month, the sun in Virgo compliments your work ethic and practical, disciplined approach to life. Self-care is an important part of that. Taking care of ourselves to take care of the ocean is hard work, but we are all worthy of healthy environments, starting with ourselves. Look for ways you can cut out toxic chemicals from your daily routine or skip those harmful single-use plastics, if you can, all together.
Aquarius, if we don’t act fast the plastic pollution flowing into the ocean annually will TRIPLE in the next 20 years. Not to totally freak you out, but that additional plastic means that the total amount of plastic in the ocean will quadruple.
We can’t think of a sign better suited to help us all find an out-of-the-box solution to the plastic crisis than you, Aquarius. Some might call you radical but we think your idealism and innovation is exactly what’s needed to guide us all to a better future.
You know what IS radical? The act of self-care in a capitalist system. This month, the earthly energy brought by the sun in Virgo and Jupiter in Capricorn helps us all return to our roots, to reflect on the waste in our lives —- starting with single-use plastic. Embrace tools that can help you keep pollutants out of your daily routine, but don’t feel the need to take everything on at once, keep yourself and the ocean in mind as you balance your activism with admiration.
With the plastics crisis continuing to climb, new estimates predict that plastic pollution will quadruple in total volume by 2040. In the face of this mounting crisis, the world needs more dreamers. More poets. More artists. More healers. More of YOU, Pisces.
You tend to look at the world through rose-colored glasses and this superpower is part of what makes you so special. It’s also why we will always need you in the fight for a future with clean seas. If we imagine a better world, we can achieve it together.
The sun’s energy in Virgo and Jupiter in Capricorn this month anchor us all to the Earth for some much needed R & R —- to reflect on the way we spend our time, and reduce the waste in our lives, both plastic and energy. Spend less time worrying about the things you cannot control, and more time taking care of you. Showing up for ourselves is such an important part of showing up for the ocean, so embrace tools that can help you keep pollutants out of your daily routine in whatever works for you, Pisces.
Remember: Every minute, the equivalent of one garbage truck of plastic is dumped into the ocean. Use this fact as a communication tool to help more people understand the importance of the ocean and the enormity of the plastic problem.
Aries, your fiery energy inspires others to be bold, to reach for the stars and do what’s right no matter the obstacle. But as the sun transitioned into Virgo earlier this month, you might have felt your feet more firmly on the ground. After months of protest and navigating life through the middle of a pandemic, Virgo’s energy is here to redirect our attention to the smaller details of life; the little things that fall through the cracks when we’re working through how to usher in systemic change.
We know that the pandemic might have set a lifestyle free from single-use plastic back a bit with the countless disposable masks and gloves everyone’s using. Don’t beat yourself up about it, but do look for ways to keep winning while you’re home. One of our favorite alternatives is Stasher Bags. These silicone alternatives help keep thin film plastic baggies (which cannot be recycled FYI) out of our kitchen. Stasher bags can store those yummy homemade leftovers or even be used outside the kitchen, like helping to keep your makeup brushes clean and sealed up tight. So Aries, embrace that Virgo energy this month and get organized to kick plastic out of your life.
Taurus, we hope you can enjoy the feel of the ground under your bare feet today. Wherever you are, look down and see if you can spot plastic in the soil -because it’s there. 😰 A new report found that microplastics in soil are harming the tiny animals that help create rich soil.
Take a deep breath. Now exhale. Let this fact be a rallying cry, a tool for communicating the urgency of the plastic problem.
We’re pretty sure there is no Taurus among us that doesn’t know how to indulge in all of their senses. Taurus understands wealth is more than the size of your bank account; it’s the bursting of flavor when you bite into fresh fruit, reading your favorite book in a sunbeam, being surrounded by friends and family in uncertain times. But 2020 hasn’t been a normal year, and you may feel cut off from some parts yourself, and from the earth.
With the sun in Virgo and Jupiter in Capricorn, we are presented with an opportunity to reassess and reduce waste in our lives —from plastics, to time, to toxic people. We might not know what the future holds, but we do know that there are things we can do from home to take care of ourselves and the ocean. As you indulge in some self care, Taurus, embrace sustainable swaps to single-use plastics and kick products with harmful chemicals.
Plastic never disappears; it photodegrades. Breaking up into smaller pieces known as “microplastics,” these tiny toxins have been found in the air, table salt, even in our water. No sign can stretch their energy as far as Gemini can — across people, projects, time. This is one of your superpowers for change and also one of your greatest personal challenges.
At a crossroads, you have a harder time than most choosing a path to walk, Gemini, because you want to pursue them all. Such is the dual nature of the Twins. When your attention is scattered and your to-do list is a mile long, you forget sometimes to take care of you. The earthly energy of the sun in Virgo — and Jupiter in Capricorn — encourages us to slow down, stop dividing so much of our time, and remember we are most effective when we are whole.
Serious question: when was the last time you turned off your phone? Never? We get it. Today, there are more cell phones in the world than people, which means there are THAT many more cell phone cases molded out of plastic every day.
If you’re anything like us, your cell phone has become an almost constant extension of your arm since shelter in place. We use it for everything: work, play, connecting with the people we can’t see. We’ve also found that turning off our phones, allowing ourselves a moment to disconnect, is an essential to reconnecting with ourselves. While you’re embracing some “you time” this month, Gemini, consider Virgo’s influence to cut down on plastic with some of your most treasured items — maybe opting for a compostable cell phone case *IF* you need a new phone case.
Last month, scientists off the coast of Maine reported that baby lobsters are dying from microplastic pollution. We know you might not be too happy right now, and it’s okay to be crabby about plastic waste. But remember to channel that frustration into action, your passion is powerful.
And we have some good news. This month, the sun is hanging out in Virgo and, combined with Jupiter in Capricorn, right now is the PERFECT time to take care of some practical things at home that might have been ignored the last few weeks. Home is the crab’s happy place, but 2020 has been a LOT. Maybe it’s been awhile since you’ve organized your emails, vacuumed the living room carpet, or washed your hair. Don’t sweat it. When so many things in the world are uncertain, the earthly energy of Virgo and Capricorn are here to help us all get things done starting with self-care. But with a truckload of plastic entering the ocean every minute, getting started cutting down on your own plastic footprint can be overwhelming — especially in a pandemic. We’d suggest starting at home with plastic-free cleaning alternatives or plastic-free oral care.
As Melati Wijsen said on 52 Hertz, “you can't take care of others if you're not doing okay yourself.”
LEO ♌️
Eco-Anxiety is real, and it might feel like it’s at an all-time high right now — especially if you’re planning to vote in the upcoming election. So if you have felt lonely lately, or disconnected from your community of conservationists remember: you’re not the only one.
We know you’re the sort to put on a brave face for everyone else, that you’re reluctant to share vulnerabilities with others. Not to protect yourself, but because your noble heart would hate to ask anyone for help in a year that has been as unpredictable and as hard as this one.
This month, the sun in Virgo and Jupiter in Capricorn remind us to take care of ourselves by tackling the little things we can control at home. As a fire sign, we know you like to do things BIG and fast, but the earthly energy of Virgo and Capricorn remind us that the tortoise won the race at the end —- not the hare. Don’t feel pressured to change everything at once. Looking for somewhere to start? The New York Time reported on the impact of chemicals in plastics, so protect yourself and your family from heavy metals and toxic chemicals by confirming the products you buy are Made Safe.