Young Hero 🔑
Collaboration is the key to success, at least we think so. That’s why we were psyched to team up with our creative partners at Young Hero to launch our new Sea Sign series.
These monthly readings (aka “Sea Signs”) are a blend between activism and astrology, in the hopes that your zodiac sign can help you become an even more engaged ocean advocate. Check out your July reading below and, if you’re into it, subscribe to get a new reading every month. 💫
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First of all, Happy Birthday! 🎊🦀♋️
The sun is in your house now Cancer but, being ruled by the moon, we know that the spotlight isn’t your favorite thing in the world… spectacles and big displays aren’t really your style.
BUT STILL, we wanted to make sure you know exactly how special you are — especially when it comes to fighting for a healthy ocean.
If everyone cared as much as you do, there would be a lot less single-use plastic in the ocean and a lot more community and caring everywhere. We TOTALLY get your natural inclination towards self-protection, but trust us: the depth of your emotions and sensitivity are a gift to the world.
There may not be a more important time to share this gift than right now. Neptune went into retrograde on June 22nd, and it’s staying that way until November 28. When Neptune is direct, it casts a veil of illusion; in retrograde, that veil is pulled back, and we begin to see the world as it truly is. Your tender, nurturing spirit could be the answer we all need right now, Cancer.
Take action for social justice; share Wanjiku Gatheru’s reflections on her experiences as a Black scholar in environmental studies with your friends and followers and social media.
LEO ♌️
How to spot Leo energy at a protest: look for the megaphone.
A Leo at their best is pure fire, roaring above the noise of the crowd to take care of their pride and do what’s right. Shoutout to Marsha P. Johnson — a Leo icon. 🦁
Leo, you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders everywhere you go. Your pride and compassion combined with good intentions make you a force of nature, but remember: you don’t have to do it all alone. Lean on your friends and loved ones in uncertain times. They will support you, just like you support them.
Be sure to take heed Leo: Illusions everywhere are being stripped away as Neptune dances in retrograde from June 22nd to November 28, bringing difficult truths to light. In the wake of recent events, it’s become clear to the world that social justice and environmental justice are interconnected. Take action today: share with your friends and followers on social media this article from Dr. Ayana Johnson about the ways that racism derails our efforts to save the planet.
How to spot Virgo energy at a protest: look for the helpers. Honestly, if there was ever a successful movement without a couple of Virgos in the trenches planning, toiling, striving for change — we’ve never heard of it.
Virgo, we’re calling you out...
…for being AMAZING! Seriously. No sign works harder and expects so little in return. We’re pretty sure your expert hands are one of the only things holding the world together right now, while 2020 does its best to take home the award for “Most Profound Rollercoaster” this century.
All those projects you’re worrying about finishing? Try not to stress. Let us reassure you, Virgo: you are doing just fine. If you’re working from home these days, it’s okay if you don’t go on camera for every Zoom call you have to make. With six out of eight planets in retrograde right now, self-care is truly important in order to successfully push forward the systemic change that is so necessary in our world.
Take action for social justice; Share Wanjiku Gatheru’s reflections on her experiences as a Black scholar in environmental studies with your friends and followers and social media.
Reveal your Sea Sign 🌊 ✨
Celebrate your power to influence others to put down plastic, Leo. Embrace your eccentricity for the environment, Aquarius. Explore how the position of the stars can make you a better ocean advocate.
How to spot Libra energy at a protest: look on the steps of city hall, in the courtrooms, and the seats of Congress.
As eternal peace-makers, Libras can be found striving for justice from within the systems they’re trying to change. Shoutout to the honorable Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Abdullahi Omar, who represent everything Libras stand for, and more.
Equality and fairness. These are values close to the heart of every Libra who's ever lived. Right now, it feels a little bit like we’re all living through a history book in the making, and the Libras of the world are already playing a major part in that narrative. We’re here to remind you that you don’t have to be a politician or an influencer to inspire others, Libra. You’ve just gotta be you.
Take action for social justice; share this article from Dr. Ayana Johnson about the ways that racism derails our efforts to save the planet with your friends and followers on social media.
When Neptune went retrograde on June 22nd, old illusions were pushed into the past. Change is the anthem of the future— for Black lives in America, for the climate, and for the ocean.
How to spot Scorpio energy at a protest: look for the one looking back at you.
As keen observers of their environments, a Scorpio’s gaze is INTENSE. If any sign has the ability to turn the tide for good with willpower alone, it is this one.
Trust your instincts, Scorpio. Your natural intuition and power of perception are positively unrivaled in the zodiac. If something feels different to you, it probably is.
Six out of eight planets are in retrograde right now, after Neptune turned backwards on June 22nd, pulling back the veil of the world that we thought we knew to reveal difficult truths in our collective past. Scorpios, inclined to transformation themselves, might be better prepared than most to reconcile this cosmic shift in energy, and then to focus back on what has become the most important conversation of our generation: the intersection connecting social justice and climate justice.
Share this article from Dr. Ayana Johnson about the ways that racism derails our efforts to save the planet with your friends and followers on social media.
How to spot Sagittarius energy at a protest: look for the philosophers and the optimists. Wherever the Archer goes, they leave a trail of inspired and bright-eyed hopefuls revved up behind them.
Sagittarius, we know you’ve probably been a little restless lately. Social distancing can be hard for every sign, but you may have spent more time than most seeking new outlets of discovery for your fiery spirit.
If you haven’t heard, we think you should know: Neptune went retrograde on June 22nd. This means that everything we thought we knew about the world has been pulled back. New truths are being revealed everyday. As a natural-born philosopher, could this be the moment you’re waiting for? The world is calling you to help set it free. Know that when you take a stand for social justice, you take a stand for the ocean, for people, and for the planet.
Join the conversation. Share Wanjiku Gatheru’s reflections on her experiences as a Black scholar in environmental studies with your friends and followers and social media.
How to spot Capricorn energy at a protest: ask for the time. If they’re wearing an old school wristwatch, you’ve found a Capricorn.
Capricorn energy is old soul energy. Cool-headed and dependable, this earth sign is nothing if not a realist.
Capricorn, your consistency and reliability are the stuff legends are made of. For these reasons, and more, you are a truly incredible friend, partner and ally. You are widely respected for your pragmatic approach to life, and have more influence than you know. Take action for social justice; share this article by GAIA US/Canada to eliminate waste AND prisons.
As one of the zodiac’s cardinal signs, Capricorn’s innate resilience and self-discipline will anchor us all on the voyage towards clean seas while we navigate through unexpected waves together. With six out of ten planets in retrograde right now, we can’t think of anyone else we’d rather have leading the charge. Capricorn, please, take the wheeeeeeel — okay, we promise, we won’t sing, but we will bring the aluminum canned water so we can all stay refreshed while you steer this crazy ship. Deal? Deal.
How to spot Aquarius energy at a protest: look for the speechwriters, the bare-footed scholars, and the social butterflies doing their own thing.
If any sign looks like they were born to lead us with artivism, it’s this one.
Aquarius, you are the original radical. We don’t have the stats in front of us or anything, but we’re pretty sure no movement for reform ever took off without the Water-Bearer’s signature influence. Different is just what you are, and we know that’s how you like it, too.
In a typical year, when the rest of the world has both eyes on the present, you’re already looking forwards with one foot in the future and a list for the next social revolution. 2020 has not been a typical year. Neptune went retrograde on June 22nd, which means that even more change is in store. We want to help make sure that that change is positive, and we know that you do too.
Harness the power of your social media for good, Aquarius, and take action for social justice now; share this article by GAIA US/Canada to eliminate waste AND prisons.
How to spot Pisces energy at a protest: look for the dreamers, the artists, and the poets. If there is a fountain or a lake, Pisces can almost always be found standing by the water.
Pisces, never stop dreaming about a future with clean seas…
We know there’s a lot going on right now, and the truth is we’re all feeling some kind of way about 2020. Imagine if everyone was capable of your empathy and compassion: How swiftly we could help heal each other’s wounds? With Neptune in retrograde from June 22nd to November 28, this year is only going to continue to surprise us as we learn more about the world without the dreamlike veil of Neptune direct.
We are all connected, and we need your dreams to help lead us into a world where the intersection between climate justice and social justice is a widely accepted rule.
Help your friends and followers on social media understand; share this article from Dr. Ayana Johnson about the ways that racism derails our efforts to save the planet.
How to spot Aries energy at a protest: look at the front of the line. Bold and fearless, an Aries never shies away from using their voice for good.
Get ready, Aries. Neptune went into retrograde in Pisces on June 22nd, and it’s staying there until November 28.
Neptune is the planet of dreams and when it turns backwards, the veil it casts over our world is pulled away and hard truths are laid bare.
We want to remind you of your incredible power for good, Aries. When you put your mind to something you’re a force of nature. Just like fire. Shine your light upon the world and blaze a path toward change.
Use your voice to take action for people and planet; share Wanjiku Gatheru’s reflections on her experiences as a Black scholar in environmental studies.
Spotting a Taurus at a protest: look across the crowd, to the front of the line and the back - look for those standing with their shoulders squared and their eyes forward.
Taurus' courage is strong and constant like the earth. Even the smallest bull has a presence powerful enough to help lead the herd.
Taurus, you have been a rock of support for your friends and loved ones through the unpredictability of 2020. You are consistent and committed even when the earth under your own feet seems unsteady or uncertain. You are truly remarkable.
We want to tell you gently: prepare yourself, more change is coming. Neptune went retrograde in Pisces on June 22nd, and it’s staying that way until November 28, 2020. When Neptune turns backwards, the dreamy veil Neptune casts over our world disappears. You may have to reconcile with difficult truths from your — or your family’s — past as they are revealed during this time of truth and reconciliation.
Right now, six out of ten planets are in retrograde. The time is ripe for personal reflection and to change the course of history. Take action for social justice; share this article by GAIA US/Canada to eliminate waste AND prisons with your friends and followers on social media.
How to spot Gemini energy at a protest: smile, because you’re about to end up on TikTok as a part of your fellow Gemini’s civil journalism livestream.
Ruled by Mercury, Gemini are the zodiac’s messengers. More than any other sign, they LIVE to communicate.
A lot is going on in the world all at once, Gemini. This suits your natural desire for information and your inclination for learning, as well as your dislike of anything boring. So far, 2020 has been many things — and boring is not one of them.
Neptune went into retrograde on June 22nd, bumping the total number of planets in retrograde right now to SIX. That’s a lot of backwards planets! That means a lot more change is in store. With Neptune in retrograde, past illusions are laid to rest, and truth is revealed. We are all experiencing transformation right now, so lean into it and grow through it.
Take action for social justice; share this article from Dr. Ayana Johnson about the ways that racism derails our efforts to save the planet with your friends and followers on social media.