Artist Collaboration With Kendall Lord
Kendall is a visual and experience designer based off the coast of Southern California. An adventure-lover and surfer, Kendall grew up with a deep admiration of and connection to the ocean. Her awe of the sea and the life it sustained, fueled her respect for the planet and her passion for sustainability and environmental equity.
Currently, Kendall runs the for-good creative studio, Fika. Her studio is committed to designing compassionate and transformative brands, products, and experiences with organizations that seek to improve and protect our planet, like Lonely Whale!
Scorpio, your 2021 Sea Sign is a Lobster!
Did you know that lobsters need to shed their shells in order to grow?! We’re sure there’s a lesson in this for all of us now that we’ve entered into a new year after the fever dream that was 2020. Seriously. What even was that?
We’re optimistic that if each of us can take our lead from lobsters everywhere and learn to molt the strangeness away, that this next year can be a year of new beginnings, and a year of hope. Rebirth is one of Scorpio’s reigning themes. More than any other sign in the Zodiac, you are attuned to the spirit of the lobster that leaves its old self behind to embrace renewal. We look forward to growing with you.
Sagittarius, your 2021 Sea Sign is Coral!
Do you know what a healthy coral reef sounds like? If not, it might surprise you to learn that it’s LOUD! Vibrant, full of color, and BURSTING with life, Sagittarius, coral is your Sea Sign because you are also so bright and full of life. You can’t help it: you make friends everywhere you go. People are attracted to you the way all kinds of fish—from clownfish to manta rays and tiger sharks—are attracted to the sounds of a healthy coral reef.
As we dive deeper into the new year together, we are renewing our commitments to the fight against plastic pollution, to self-care and to intersectional environmentalism. Are you in?
Capricorn, your 2021 Sea Sign is a Shark!
Goodbye 2020; HELLO 2021! Capricorn, we know you’re not really the type to buy into rhetoric about how we’ve entered into a new year and how this is the perfect time to re-evaluate your life goals, blah, blah blah. You’re too pragmatic for that. You don’t need New Year's resolutions to get things done; you just get them done.
That’s why your ocean astrological avatar is the shark. Sharks have patrolled the ocean for over 420 million years. There’s no telling what kind of ancient wisdom they possess—just like you. Even the youngest Capricorns among us exude a kind of knowledge that seems to stretch well beyond their years. Sharks are regulators in their ecosystems; the role they play is SUPER important to managing and maintaining ocean health, which is right in line with Capricorn’s sense of responsibility and purpose.
Reveal your Sea Sign 🌊 ✨
Celebrate your power to influence others to put down plastic, embrace your eccentricity for the environment, and explore how the position of the stars can make you a better ocean advocate!
Aquarius, your 2021 Sea Sign is a Nautilus!
If you didn’t know what a Nautilus was and were looking at a photo of one for the first time, it might be easy to mistake it for a creature from outer space. There is something otherworldly about them, just like there is something otherworldly about you, Aquarius. It’s one of the things that makes your sign so special!
You know what else makes Aquarius special? Well, there’s a lot, but it feels especially apropos at the beginning of a brand new year to call you out for your rockstar idealism. No sign is more prepared to help usher their Zodiac brothers and sister into a new age (the Age of Aquarius!) than you are. When everything else is uncertain, the world can count on the humanitarian spirit of Aquarians everywhere to lead us towards a more intersectional future.
Pisces, your 2021 Sea Sign is a School of Fish!
A school of fish moves like a single organism under water; a thousand tails glittering as one in a ribbon that ebbs and flows with the rhythm of the ocean. Dream-like. Intuitive. Sensitive to each other and the world around them. In a word? You, Pisces.
It felt a little like the world took a collective sigh when we said goodbye to 2020 together on New Years Eve, even though so much of 2021 is a mystery waiting to be unravelled. We don’t know everything that the future holds, but we do know this: We have never been more committed to ensuring a future with clean seas, for people and the planet. When we coordinate our efforts like a school of fish, we can make magic together.
Aries, your 2021 Sea Sign is a Dolphin!
It’s a new year and a new age. We know that on the surface it might not seem like much has changed since the world exhaled its goodbyes to 2020, but there’s a LOT going on in the stars right now that’s difficult to see without a super-powered telescope. Change takes time.
Dolphins are known for their intelligence, and for forming strong social bonds. They take care of one another, and other creatures in the sea — including people, sometimes protecting swimmers from sharks who get just a little too curious. This is PRIME Aries energy; the leader of the Zodiac looks after the whole pod.
Taurus, your 2021 Sea Sign is a Sperm Whale!
We’re starting off the new year with a brand new set of Sea Signs—avatars from the ocean that we’ve selected just for you—to help you understand how your astrological and advocacy traits can support climate action.
As the largest of the toothed whales, Sperm Whales are powerful behemoths who spend most of their day hunting at great ocean depths. Like you, Taurus, they are protective of their pods. They are usually gentle giants but can become an unstoppable force; when a vulnerable pod member is under threat, the females create a ring around them in an effort to protect. And adult male sperm whales are so large that not even orcas mess with them!
Gemini, your 2021 Sea Sign is a pair of Seahorses!
The natural flexibility and duality of Gemini is embodied beautifully in the shape of the Seahorse; a watery species known for their ability to change color and blend into their surroundings. They adapt—just like you!
It’s a new year, which means new adventures, new ideas and brand new Sea Signs. Avatars from the ocean that we’ve selected just for you, Sea Signs aim to help YOU understand how your astrological and advocacy traits can support climate action.
Cancer, your 2021 Sea Sign is a Crab Claw!
The importance of the Crab Claw to crab species everywhere cannot be overstated. They are essential for self-protection (one of Cancer’s reigning themes!) and for setting healthy boundaries, which we all deserve to have—no matter what anyone else in your life might try to tell you.
We are SO excited to dive into a brand new year with you! Let’s be real, 2020 was something else, and 2021 is a big question mark right now, but we know two things for sure: that we are more committed than ever to the fight against plastic pollution, and to YOU.
Leo, your 2021 Sea Sign is an Albatross!
Albatross mate for life. They are loyal, noble and powerful. Just like you. But, like you and me, Albatross are not impenetrable from the impacts of plastic pollution. In fact, Albatross are at the front lines of this growing global crisis.
Lucky for us, you are fearless in the face of injustice, Leo. The rest of the world just needs to catch up with you. Ruled by the Sun, people like you help make the world brighter everyday. Are you ready to take climate action with us this year?
Virgo, your 2021 Sea Sign is a Starfish!
Starfish are a keystone species in their native environments, where they help keep everything in balance by regulating populations of urchins—the Starfish’s favorite food! Like you, Virgo, Starfish are sensitive to the world around them and happiest when they’re given the space they need to do what they do best.
Did you set any New Year's resolutions this year? Yes? No? No pressure. We get it. Trying to set goals for 2021 after 2020 feels sort of daunting. We aren’t oracles over here, but we do know that we are more committed than ever to educating the world about plastic and ensuring that our environmentalism is intersectional. After all, we’re fighting for people AND planet.
Libra, your 2021 Sea Sign is a Jellyfish!
Did you know that Jellyfish are climate regulators? They get a bad rep for their sting, but the truth is that there is so much more to Jellyfish than bad news stories from the beach. Like algae and whales, seagrass and mangroves, Jellyfish are carbon sequesters! They store carbon in their bodies, which sinks to the ocean floor with jellyfish when they die. This means that Jellyfish play an important role in reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, helping to balance out the overall health of our planet for all life on Earth—in true Libra style.
Even though we don’t know exactly what the future holds, we’re in this together, and that’s what really matters.